Monday, February 28, 2011

When we lost Mom, it was hard on a lot of my friends--those who knew her, and even those who didn't.

It was hard on my friends that knew her, because many of them had known her since we were in elementary school.  A lot of them would get Christmas cards from her, stop by her desk to say hello, or see her powerwalking on her lunch hour. 

It was hard on them because she was still a part of their life.

It was hard on my friends who didn't know her or had met her just briefly too.  It was hard for them because they love me, and because I'm part of their life.

But I think what was hardest on both groups is that it was such a shock.  I think next to the fear of losing a child, the thought of losing a parent has to be one of the scariest things we face... and something that we fear for a long long time.

My friends are mostly my age.  Meaning that their parents are close in age to my Mom.

If it can happen to my Mom... it could happen to theirs.

That's scary for them!

I remember counting down anxiously with my friend until we both turned 21.  We laughed about that earlier this month we she turned a little more than 21.  Where have the years gone?  When did we get old enough to be burying our parents?

Mom's death made many of my friends realize how fragile life can be.  The silver lining of her death is that so many of my friends have told me that they were drawn closer to their own parents. 

With the death of my friend's father.  I'm starting to realize, that more and more THIS will become the norm.  We will continue to age, our parents will too, and soon EVERYONE will have to say goodbye to their parents.

Life (and I guess death) goes on. 

Suttie stopped being Baby Suttie when Baby Owen was born.... Keegers was Baby Keegers until Suttie was born...

Mom stopped being the breaking news story when someone else's parent took over that role.  For someone who shied away from being the center of attention... I don't think Mom would have minded staying in that limelight for a little longer... if it meant that someone else didn't have to be.

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