Friday, February 18, 2011

Leaving Pink and Gray and Purple...and Going Red

I've always been a supporter of Breast Cancer research.  I'm sure lots of that has to do with the fact that we lost Mom's sister Sheila to that horrible disease in 1999 at the age of 50.  I've clicked on websites to give  mamograms for the less fortunate.  I thought it was great when the NFL or MLB went pink for a game.  I've bought t-shirts, and jewelry and coffee mugs.  I bought Mom socks and fleeces and note pads.

I'm not going to lie, part of it was because I look REALLY good in pink (and so did Mom)

After we lost Mom's sister Nancy to a brain tumor, Mom felt guilty just supporting breast cancer awareness.  She felt that she should give equally to those causes supporting Brain Tumor Research.  If you aren't aware, their ribbon is Gray.

I'm not going to lie... I don't look nearly as good in gray (and neither did Mom) so I didn't buy much in the Brain Cancer research apparel.

Mom instead tried to support the Relay for Life because she felt that it was a little more equally supportive to both of her sisters.  So instead of just the pink ribbons, she tried to do a little more with the purple ribbons.

I'm not going to lie... Mom and I look pretty good in purple too. 

But after all of this... after realizing now when I go to the doctor and discuss my family history... it's not nearly as unnearving to discuss my Aunts having cancer as it is with having a Dad with high blood pressure, knowing that his parents died from a heart attack and and stroke, and that mom had heart issues for ten years before her death... well it seems that maybe I need to be paying a little more attention to research dealing with the heart.

I've been a little dissapointed thus far in my Heart Disease Awareness Research apparel selections.    With the millions and millions (and I don't think that's much of an exageration) of "Pink" goods... there is just NOTHING cute in the "Go Red" campaign. 

Heart Disease is the leading cause of death for women AND men in the U.S.  Doesn't that warrant a little more notice?  Where's my cute fleece?  Where are my adorable T-shirt? 

If you find them. PLEASE let me know...

Because don't I look decent enough in Red?

For my Mom, I'd wear Pea Green with Fushia Polka Dots

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