The purpose of this section is to give some facts about Grandma Cindy to her 10 grandchildren.
Your Grandma Cindy
Loved to talk about you and show pictures of you to anyone who would pass by!
Kept peppermints and gum (Dentyne for years) in the same pocket of her purse as she kept her perfume samples... so it was a good idea to just say "No thank you" when she offered you a piece... because the candy tasted like perfume!
loved chocolate milk and chocolate cokes.
said, "Sugar Bowl on the Table" when you sat a baby on the table because that's what her Grandma Waddell would say.
called you "Little Stinkers"
was the oldest of 5 girls. Cynthia Ann, Sheila Jo, Nancy Lou, Darla Jean, and Terri Lee.
could talk like Donald Duck.
couldn't roll her tongue.
tried to cheat at UNO (we called her the "Silent Warrior")
LOVED her high heels (or as her neices called them Aunt Cindy Shoes)
had perfect form when she swam... and kicked water 10-15 feet in the air when she did it!
wore pantyhose (sandal-toe, coffee) with tennis shoes (on the rare occasion that she wore tennis shoes... and claimed that her feet "just don't sweat")
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