It's been three years.
That is so hard for me to comprehend.
She was just here, wasn't she?
How is it possible that our lives have gone on without her?
Not just gone on, but changed so much?
Courty's entire existence is Post-Mom. She's now older than Suttie was when we lost Mom.
Keegan started school and learned to read Post-Mom. He's as old as Ky was when we lost Mom.
Suttie has gone from being the baby just turning 2 to being a rebellious 5 year old preparing for Kindergarten. Suttie still cries at night because he misses Grandma (even though I'm not sure he even really remembers her, just remembers he's sad)
Gavin and Ian are in high school.
Lindsey has had two babies Post-Mom. (and those babies made her work!)
Karri became a grandma Post-Mom.
Dalton's a dad.
Dylan's thinking about colleges.
Ky isn't the only Granddaughter anymore.
Dad has gone back to work, traveled, and even babysat. (Though he still hasn't changed a diaper, so some things never change)
So much.
But how could that much have happened when it still feels so fresh?
I grieve daily.
Like Dad says, the years have flown by... it's the days that drag.
Ours lives didn't stop.
Somehow that still feels disloyal.
I lost my mom Cindy very unexpectedly on December 1, 2010 to a heart attack. Luckily we have a million memories of my adoring mom. We know exactly what our family meant to her, and we pray she knew exactly what she meant to us. The hardest part for me in dealing with this loss is the fact that my young children, my nephews and my nieces won't get to personally know how much she adored them. So this blog is my attempt at keeping her memory alive for them...and for me.
I have no words to comfort you Sara, just know that we love you.