Monday, May 21, 2012

Missed Milestones

Keegers is turning 5 in just ten days.


This week, he is finishing up pre-school and will have a picnic to close that chapter of his little life.  We had his Kindergarten registration last month (of which he scored verrrrrrry well)  and will be ready for school in the fall. 

Did I mention he is turning FIVE?

He is an AMAZING little boy.  He's (way too) smart, and funny, and sneaky, and sweet, and so many other things...

And Grandma would adore him even more today than she did before.

Sutton is coming into his own SO much!  He was able to play soccer this spring and he did so great having something that was his, not Keegan's.  He's going to preschool in the fall, and I can't wait to see him really blossom at Mary Lou's now that Keegan won't be there to boss him around.

Little Courty Foo Foo is happy, and healthy, and so good natured.  She's trying to crawl, and this weekend sat up on her own!  I just love seeing her little toothless grin... and know that it won't be long before a tooth is popping in there!

Every time they hit one of these mile stones, my heart breaks.

My mom is missing them all... and they are missing having her here to get ridiculously excited over them.

Yes.  I know.  She sees it.  Heaven... all that..... I get it. 

But it is NOT the same.

And it is NOT fair.


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